QUALIFICATIONS: Knowledge and experience in planning, organizing,
and supervising a school sports program preferred
As a leader of a sport that depends on developmental programs
to provide players, this person should display creativity and
innovative skills that will be conducive to building a sustained,
skilled program
Proven decision-making skills and a track record of initiative,
effort, and commitment to young people and education
Good communication skills
Ability to work with others and handle difficult situations
JOB GOAL: To produce and maintain a sports program that is educationally
sound and is full of positive learning and living experiences for
young people
The foremost responsibility is to the students. The first duty of the coach is to see that high standards are maintained throughout the entire sports program. The staff, equipment, uniforms and condition of facilities should reflect pride and a standard of excellence.
- Directly responsible for the welfare and safety of all athletes in the program. Teaching the fundamentals of physical conditioning and the skills of sport are critical in this responsibility. The coach and his staff should be well-versed in care and prevention of athletic injuries.
- Stays up-to-date in the current knowledge and trends in high school sport. The methods and techniques that are used and taught should indicate an understanding and interest in young people.
- Is directly responsible for the cleanliness, care and maintenance of locker rooms, facilities, equipment and fields.
- Abides by the rules and regulations of the school, the district and the South Carolina High School League.
- Works with the head coach to make sure that all of the participants are eligible, physical exams and insurance are carefully recorded and the academic performance is monitored and emphasized.
- Works for the total athletic program. Has a good rapport with the faculty and the athletic staff. He/she should emphasize student participation in other sports and activities. At no time should any coach encourage players to specialize unless the athletic director and coaches of the other sports are notified and it is in the best interest and welfare of the student involved.
- Is responsible for the inventory of uniforms and equipment at the end of the season and the proper storage thereof.
TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT: Annual Assignment
Must complete required paperwork through Human Resources annually
EVALUATION: By the athletic director or band director and principal.